17th Annual Health Care Career Fair - This event has already occurred

Thursday, December 20, 2018 10:00 am - 3:00 pm


555 Arthur St W, Thunder Bay, ON
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Home for the Holidays 

Thursday, Dec 20th 2018 | 10am-3pm

Victoria Inn - 555 Arthur St W, Thunder Bay, ON


Bring your resume and meet with local and regional recruiters about healthcare jobs across the sector –nurses, PSWs, dietary aides, physicians, technicians, administrative, and more!

For more information, contact: healthrecruitment@thunderbay.ca


Confirmed exhibitors:

Alzheimer Society (Thunder Bay): Recruiting student and community volunteers for programs and services. http://alzheimer.ca/en/thunderbay/Get-involved/Volunteer

Bayshore Home Health (Thunder Bay): Recruiting for registered nurses and personal support workers (PSWs). https://www.bayshore.ca/careers/

City of Thunder Bay: Recruiting registered nurses, registered practical nurses, nurse practitioners, personal support workers (PSWs) and dietary aides. https://www.thunderbay.ca/en/city-hall/jobs.aspx

Dryden Regional Health Centre: Recruiting physicians, registered nurses, physical therapists, lab technologists, occupational therapists, and social workers. http://www.drhc.on.ca/careers/employment-opportunities/

George Jeffrey Children’s Centre (Thunder Bay): Recruiting physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech language pathologists. http://www.georgejeffrey.com/careers

Geraldton District Hospital: Recruiting physicians. http://www.geraldtondh.com/article/recruitment-7.asp

Kenora All Nations Health Partners: Recruiting physicians, registered nurses, registered practical nurses, nurse practitioners, foot care nurse, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech language pathologists, social workers, and administrative positions. Other available positions are court reporter and city clerks. kenorarecruiter@gmail.com Lady Dunn Health Centre (Wawa) Recruiting registered nurses and a medical laboratory registered technologist. https://www.ldhc.com/Careers

Lakehead Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic (Thunder Bay): Recruiting registered nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, dietitians, social workers, and administrative positions. http://ww7.lnplc.com/

Marathon Family Health Team: Recruiting physicians. http://mfht.org/page/job-opportunities

Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services: Recruiting registered nurses and social workers. http://www.mcscs.jus.gov.on.ca/

NorWest Community Health Centre (Thunder Bay): Recruiting for administrative positions and a midwife . https://www.norwestchc.org/

Oak Medical Arts (Thunder Bay): Recruiting physicians, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, occupational therapists, speech language pathologist, dietitians, personal support workers, dietary aides, chiropractor, and social workers. https://www.oakmedicalarts.com/join-our-team

Oak Medical Arts – Waterfront Clinic (Thunder Bay): Recruiting physicians, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, occupational therapists, physician assistants, speech language pathologist, dietitians, personal support workers, dietary aides, chiropractor, and social workers. https://www.oakmedicalarts.com/join-our-team

Paramed (Thunder Bay): Recruiting registered nurses, registered practical nurses, personal support workers, and administrative positions. https://www.paramed.com/careers/

Plan A Thunder Bay: Recruiting registered nurses, nurse practitioners, and personal support workers (PSWs). http://planahealthcarestaffing.ca/

Port Arthur Health Centre (Thunder Bay): Recruiting physicians. http://pahealthcentre.com/careers.html

RegenMed (Thunder Bay): Recruiting for 26 positions over the course of its expansion starting in 2020 through 2021 including registered nurses; administrative positions; clinical specialists; processing technicians for musculoskeletal tissues, cardiac tissues, and skin tissues; circulators, quality assurance specialist; procurement specialist; and distribution specialists. http://www.regenmed.ca/

Saint Elizabeth’s Health (Thunder Bay): Recruiting registered nurses, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, and personal support workers (PSWs). https://careers.sehc.com/

Santé Manitouwadge Health/Family Health Team: Recruiting physicians, registered nurses, and nurse practitioners. mfht.info@mfht.ca

St. Joseph’s Care Group (Thunder Bay): Recruiting physicians, registered nurses, registered practical nurses, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, a chiropodist diagnostic medical sonographer, Spiritual Care Specialist, psychiatrist, physiatrist, occupational therapist, speech language pathologist, dietitians, personal support workers (PSWs), dietary aides, chiropractor, and administrative positions. http://www.sjcg.net/careers/careers.aspx

Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre: Recruiting registered nurses, registered practical nurses, registered practical nurse unit care aides, and pharmacy technicians. https://jobs.tbrhsc.net/

Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, Medical Affairs: Hiring physicians and specialists. http://www.tbrhsc.net/join-our-team/careers/medical-recruitment-page/

Wesway (Thunder Bay): Recruiting respite workers. http://www.wesway.com/article/working-for-wesway-261.asp

YES Employment (Thunder Bay): Recruiting physicians, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, occupational therapists, speech language pathologists, physician assistants, dietitians, personal support workers, dietary aides, social workers, chiropractors and administrative positions. http://www.yesjobsnow.com/find-job


For potential exhibitors:

Thank you for your interest in Home for the Holidays! We're happy to have you join us as an exhibitor for this year's event. This event is promoted to students and workers in the healthcare sector seeking employment either now, or in the coming year following graduation.

This event is paid for by the Thunder Bay Community Economic Development Commission, and as such we are happy to sponsor all Thunder Bay organizations to participate with a free booth. We further welcome Regional Recruiters to participate as well at a fee of $50/booth, to be invoiced directly to you after registration.

Booths will include 2 chairs, a 6' table, a table cloth, as well as light snacks and coffee throughout the day. Please note lunch is not provided. Tables do not come with power.

This event will be well promoted including direct promotion to students/programs at multiple schools, targeted facebook ads, Ads through the Argus (Lakehead University), and radio. In the past we typically see on average of 100-200 job seekers. There is an event page on Facebook through CEDC that you may use to promote you job opportunities if you are attending the event.https://www.facebook.com/events/323817108420063/

For more info please email: healthrecruitment@thunderbay.ca


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